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- VPN (for example, Mullvad) or SOCKS5 provider of superior quality.
- Portable version of Firefox.
- BleachBit.
- The hacked PayPal Account.

1. Initiate Firefox Portable version and navigate to the Add-ons section.

2. Conduct a search for WebRTC and proceed to install 'Disable WebRTC'. Following the installation, click on the red shield icon located at the top right of the screen, ensuring it turns green.

3. Search for User-agent and install 'User-agent Switcher'.

4. Purchase or procure the compromised PayPal account, selecting a VPN or SOCKS5 location within the same city, if unavailable, the same state. If this is not possible, simply handle that account at a later time!

5. Upon selecting the IP you intend to utilise, visit: https://whoer.net/ - and verify whether the state and city are displayed on the website. If not visible, opt for an alternative IP.

6. Proceed to: http://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check and click on the 'CHECK IP ADDRESS' button. It is imperative that all icons appear green! Should a red icon be observed, choose another IP and recommence the process.

7. At this juncture, you may visit https://www.paypal.com/ and log in with the hacked account. If security questions arise (phone or SMS confirmation), promptly close the window and reattempt in 7 days. Refrain from attempting 1 or 2 days later, as this will limit the account! Instead, exercise patience and wait one week.
* take note: In the event that you possess the cookies for the compromised PayPal account, it is necessary to import them to Firefox. This procedure proves to be exceedingly advantageous, as it significantly increases the likelihood of circumventing the two-factor authentication.

8. After you successfully, initiate BleachBit and cleanse all data within Firefox.
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